Tuesday, June 16, 2009

America's Advice on Kashmir....

This blog post was mostly inspired by an op-ed from the Times of India two days ago. The article is incredible and I was completely shocked to see the reality of US foreign policy in regards to this issue. It seems that I was completely mistake in my previous article when I mentioned that news sources were reporting Obama would stay "silent" on the Kashmir "issue".

Instead, they're now supporting the "will of the people" in Kashmir, and advising both nations to create a demilitarized zone. This is incredibly obnoxious. I'm really surprised to hear such insensitivity out of the Obama administration.

What could the "will" of the Kashmiri people really be, when most of Kashmir residents are recent imports from either Pakistan or the Middle East? And I'm most shocked by once again, the insensitivity displayed by
Washington over Kashmiri Pandits and their exile from Kashmir. How can a plebicide be fair AFTER the departure of a large portion of the population due to terrorism. Also, a plebicide would also be inherently unfair to Kashmiri Hindus, who were always a minority in the region, but were still legitimate stakeholders in their state! That's like asking America to take a vote on whether or not people of British origin should stay here, where theye've lived for generations, or be deported to their country of origin.....

Maybe it's just ignorance....that's why I'd like to really commend my family friend Jeevan Uncle, along with his team, that travelled to DC for a briefing about the KP situation...but this clearly isn't enough. I have enough faith in Obama to be fair on this - but asking for a vote is handing Kashmir over to Pakistan. And demilitarizing the zone, as Obama has advocated for, functionally places the unhedged power with the terrorists (who are "stateless" and can NOT be officially demilitarized, unlike the Indo-Pak governments).

UGH! >.<


Seasonviews... said...

may be you want to say something about shopian kindly read the following..

Anonymous said...

I have enough faith in Obama to be fair on this

Obama doesn't give a crap about India or about Pakistan. He will do what he thinks is best for the US , and not the right thing. Doing the right thing is not a luxury US presidents and would break with centuries of tradition at the oval office, in addition to pissing off the military. And US interests are often in line with Pakistan interests. US likes Pakistan. As the old saying goes 'he is a SOB , but he is our SOB'. This is historically true as Pakistan always sided with the US through out the cold war. Add to this the fact that the Democrats are historically distrustful of India , you really shouldn't think Obama would do anything to help India's cause (I didn't use the word 'do the right thing' because what is 'right' is open to argument)